James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Encouraging Emails This Week

The following are some of the encouraging emails we have received this week from the websites. I thought you might find them to be encouraging as I did.

"I want my life in love with Chirst. I am a sinner and only He can love me despite my trespasses and shortcomings.
I want Him to clean me and take control of my thoughts and actions." (India)

"I am at the point where I am in need of a one on one conversation with God ... I need his guidance about a lot of things in my life -clarity about issues which make me wonder whether I am still right with him" (South Africa)

"i am living in hyderabad(Pakistan). want to know about jesus .please send me something about jesus weekly."

"I would like to tell you that i am on the finish line about the search for GOD or Jesus Christ. I have read hundreds of books, and i have been in different Church Denominations for finding them, but i only recive frustration and anger why they don't speak to me or giving me any signs of their presens. So please come back to me with an answer what do i have to do to get connected with GOD. Thank you very much in advance for responding to my question. I wish you a lovely day, and may GOD allways be with you." (Sweden)

At TruthMedia, we have the opportunity and privilege of responding with the Love of Christ to each of these people, helping to guide them towards the truth and into the light of God's message of salvation. Thank you for your continued prayer of us in this ministry.

Published Fri, Dec 1, 2006 in: exciting stories & emails newsletters
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