James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

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Global Daily - Aug. 2019

These past several months I feel that God has been teaching me to continue to rely on him for our family needs and that He doesn't necessarily provide in the ways that I expect. Here are some prayer requests for our ministry with Power to Change.
Published 2019-08-26

Answered Prayer

I am very happy to report that God has answered our prayers and we have had our account reinstated. Praise the Lord for His mercy and for working on our behalf in the hearts of those at Facebook making these decisions.
Published 2019-06-25

Prayer Request

One of the big ways in which our ministry connects with people is by using Facebook advertising to bring people to our IssuesIFace.com website, however recently Facebook decided that they didn't like what we were doing and proceeded to shut down our entire advertising account.
Published 2019-06-12

Share Our Facebook Posts

Hey all! I know I have mentioned this in past newsletters, but I thought I would mention it again. If you would like to help us raise more support, one way that you can do that is by linking and/or re-sharing our facebook posts. There is one in particular that I just posted that would be a great place to start. This is a picture of what it will look like.  Click here or on...
Published 2014-03-17

A Mentor Shares The Gospel

I love hearing about how God is using our online mentors to share Christ.  We received this message from a person on facebook recently: "i need the blessing from you.! can u lead me a proper way please" The mentor shared his response and the results with us as follows: I told him that I would certainly pray for him and then I explained how sin builds a barrier between us and God and that...
Published 2013-12-23

Global Daily September

Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers these past few months.  Life around TruthMedia has been pretty crazy lately due to some fairly significant reorganizing of how we function as a team. We are continuing to build our mentoring ministry and have formed some pretty amazing partnerships with people who have a similar passion to our own.  The partnership with JesusDaily on facebook is one of those and provides a tremendous opportunity...
Published 2013-08-28

A glimpse into Internet ministry

It may seem strange or foreign to some that we get people with such personal and heartbreaking stories writing in to us from the websites. You may think that most of our work is with nameless, faceless "website visitors" who we never really have a chance to interact with.  In some situations, that is true.  However in many cases, we have people writing to us with very personal and painful questions that our team must...
Published 2012-10-26

November Global Daily

Every month Central Heights Church asks the missionaries they support to submit an entry for the “Global Daily” monthly prayer newsletter.  The question this month comes from Psalm 68:19 which says, “Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” The question is How has God carried you lately? Often it is on the hardest days that we feel God's presence most closely.  We have felt like we've...
Published 2012-10-19

New Facebook Page

Hey all, Just a quick update to let you know we have created a brand new FaceBook page for our personal ministry updates.  If you would like to be informed when we post new items, you simply need to LIKE the page and our updates should start appearing in your FaceBook news feeds.  We'll try to keep things fairly up-to-date with current projects and exciting stories from the field.  We will still be sending out...
Published 2012-04-29
Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin