James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Baby Stuff :: Archive

The Kids

Occasionally, people tell me that they wish they could see more of our kids and our family. So here's a more personal entry. My son is such a good big brother. He's four now, and Julia is two. Carolanne and I really enjoyed this clip of him trying to teach his sister how to use the Wii. He was trying to teach her to play the bowling game.
Published 2011-11-25

Julia's Picture of the Day

[caption id="attachment_734" align="alignnone" width="341" caption="Isn't she cute!?"][/caption]
Published 2010-01-18

Our Newest Family Member

[caption id="attachment_678" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Julia Rebecca Anne Warkentin"][/caption] We are very excited to announce the newest member of our family.  Her name is Julia Rebecca Anne Warkentin and she came into this world on Sunday morning Oct. 4'th at 10:19 am.  She initially weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and measured 51.5 cm.  Both baby and mommy seem to be doing well, and we were permitted to leave the hospital 24 hours after birth....
Published 2009-10-05

Hurry up and post your guess on when you think our baby's birthday will be!

Well, the estimated due date for this baby to arrive is quickly approaching and with it the end of our baby contest. Our due date is October 8, 2009. You can post your guess on either this post or the other one about the baby contest that James posted earlier. Competition rules are as follows: Guesses must include both a date and time. Guesses must be in by Oct. 1, 2009. The person who guesses...
Published 2009-09-07

Competition to Guess Baby's Birthdate

It's that time of year once again, where we give you the opportunity to guess when our new baby will be born.  Last year the winner of this competition was Tobias G. and his prize was a $20 gift certificate to House of James in Abbotsford.  Original release here. This year, our estimated due date (according to our first ultrasound) is Oct. 8, 2009. Competition rules are as follows: Guesses must include both a date...
Published 2009-06-11

Easter Adventures

[caption id="attachment_488" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="First Barbershop Haircut"][/caption] Ben had lots of fun today.  We took him for his very first barbershop haircut and he got to sit in the old-fashioned barber chair. Carolanne had trimmed his hair a few times before this point, but he still looked very much like a baby.  Now he looks much more like a little boy.  He was a little concerned about wearing the protective sheet, so we skipped that...
Published 2009-04-12

Pictures of Benjamin

Benjamin's been having lots of fun with different things. Like Friday evening when my brother Will and Cynthia came over and we took our crested gecko out and he got to play with her. He loves her and was so excited. He even was holding out his arm and saying "aam, aam" ( he can't say the 'r' yet) It was really cute to see his reaction. He loved it when the gecko would jump...
Published 2009-04-10

Guess What.....!

Published 2009-04-09

Ben pees on the potty!

Well I guess our little boy really is growing up. He's now 21 months old and now he not only sits on the potty but will actually pee in it too. Before it was just copying what mommy and daddy were doing, but now he seems to have figured out that he's actually suppose to do more then just use it as a chair. Well, hopefully he will continue to be fond of using the...
Published 2009-02-25

Benjamin's Cumfy chair

Benjamin loves Rusty! Sometimes as a chair, but other times to roll over or to charge at with his little ride on car or even to give kisses. Rusty puts up with everything that Benjamin does. They love each others company. It's so much fun to see how they interact. The day that this picture was taken Ben was rolling around on Rusty and then stopped and sat on Rusty's bum and watched a bit...
Published 2009-01-31

Benjamin's full mouth

Benjamin now has a complete full set of baby teeth, including all his 4 molars. The 2 back molars on his left side are not fully in yet, but they have made their appearance through the gums. I can't believe he already has a full set of teeth. That would explain the cranky times. I guess we won't have to deal with any them coming in when he's 2. We just have to deal with...
Published 2008-12-19

More teeth!!

You read that correctly Benjamin has more teeth coming in. His upper moller on the right side is almost completely in. I realized this while tickling him on the couch this morning. I read that these don't start coming in till around 20 months. I guess this would be why he's had all those moist shirts recently. Look at that little grin. He's so cute! Yes, I'm a little bias, but just look at him...I...
Published 2008-12-02

Benjamin's improving!

Benjamin is getting better and better at walking. He can now walk greater distances without the use of something to hold onto. He still will hold onto our finger when we go on a walk and he loves to hold onto his little ride on car and push it all around the house. He's figured out how to move it over the little bumps that divides the living room from the kitchen. This also means...
Published 2008-10-02

He can say car!

Yesterday when I was putting Benjamin into the car he said "car". I thought wow that really sounded like car, but he probably won't say it again, but he did! Then he kept on saying it for quite some time until latter when I wanted him to say "car" to Uncle Will and latter to Daddy on the phone. Latter that day, when daddy got home from work,he did say "car" so  Daddy could hear...
Published 2008-07-08

My Birthday at the Beach

We spent my birthday at the beach in Whiterock on March 5'th and got some great pictures of birds and of Benjamin. James was able to take the day off, so we had lots of fun together as a family. Benjamin was very intrigued at all the water. So much so that he had no desire to look at the camera.
Published 2008-03-11
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