James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Links & Articles :: Archive

The Five Pillars of Manhood

If you've ever watched the movie Second Hand Lions, there is a part where one of the main characters gives his "What it means to be a real man" speech to a few young punks.  I always wondered what the content of that speech might have been.  Perhaps it was something like this.  (see bottom for original source) WE NEED MEN OF GOD WHO WILL LOVE & RESPECT WOMEN OF FAITH...NEXT STOP "MANHOOD". I spent...
Published 2010-11-30

This Next Century

If the planet warms by 4 °C, which could happen this century, the world will be unlike anything humans have ever known. Rising sea levels and expanding deserts will lead to massive population shifts. A radical new world order may be our only hope...
Published 2009-02-28

Penguins can Fly?

"This recently discovered colony of penguins, is unlike any other..." - BBC News (from early April)
Published 2008-06-26

Fun Internet Things

Once in a while, I find fun and cool stuff on the Internet that I enjoy sharing with others. While, I'm not a big proponent of email forwarding spam, posting fun things like these on a blog is quite acceptable. A "Psycological" Optical Illusion Check out the link below. It's very cool. I'd love to know what you saw. Feel free to comment below. http://www.eyes-and-vision.com/influence-of-culture-on-visual-perception.html Microsoft Gmail As some of you may know, I'm not...
Published 2007-11-21

New Website

Well, we've revamped our aging www.jamesandcarolanne.com site to now contain our family blog. Over time, we will probably end up making that blog more about our personal lives, and keeping this one for mostly ministry related stuff. Feel free to check it out and drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you. You can visit it at http://www.jamesandcarolanne.com
Published 2007-03-19

Perception of Beauty

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/dAnRQncZ_uk" width="425" height="350" /] This video was brought to my attention by a friend, and is really an excellent example of how the advertising industry fools us into thinking that we need to be something that we're not. I know that many girls especially struggle with not feeling adequate or pretty enough, and I suspect that this is largely driven by the commercial images that are thrust onto us by the media.
Published 2007-01-15

Website Design Tips Blog Announcement

Website Design Tips is a brand new blog that I have just started, the purpose of which is to inform website designers, programmers and CSS coders of the latest and greatest tips, tricks and strategies in website design. My desire is to help webmasters to be informed of and use the best possible tools in the creation of their websites, helping to "make the Internet a better place." My background, and the areas in which...
Published 2006-08-18

Wired News: Military Seeks Invisibility Cloak

Invisibility coolness! How fun is that! Wired News: Military Seeks Invisibility Cloak If you would like to read about or keep up-to-date with other interesting technological break-throughs and scientific articles that I've found, you may take a look through the Technology Blog.
Published 2006-05-26

Wired 14.06: Baghdad, USA

I found this really interesting article today about a simulated Arabic environment used for training US soldiers before they go over sea's. Talk about your ultimate paintball / war game. Wired 14.06: Baghdad, USA If you would like to read about or keep up-to-date with other interesting technological break-throughs and scientific articles that I've found, you may take a look through the Technology Blog.
Published 2006-05-26
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