James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Prayer :: Archive

Are We Changing Lives For Eternity?

I cannot help wondering sometimes if our work is really making a difference. Are we bringing hope to the hopeless? Are we making a difference in people's lives for eternity?
Published 2023-05-01

Muslim man is offended, but later comes to Christ

Mohamed, a 30-year old man, was born and raised in a Muslim family in Morocco. Mohamed found himself late one night surfing on the internet. Something odd caught his eye.
Published 2017-10-11

Global Daily Oct. 2014

Dear Friends, This fall feels as though it is flying past. Thank you for your prayer and support of us during this past month. There have been some pretty major changes around Power to Change and even our team over this past summer. One of these has been a name change. Our ministry (within the greater body of Power to Change) is now called The Life Project instead of TruthMedia. Our mission has not really...
Published 2014-09-22

Off to Staff Conference

As of tomorrow, we're off to our annual Power to Change Staff Conference!  For those who don't know, every year Power to Change holds a Canada-wide staff conference where all the Canadian PTC staff get together for a week of inspiration, networking, team building and spiritual renewal.  There are approximately 500 staff (and potentially their families) who will be attending.  (I'm not certain on the exact numbers) Staff Conference is always somewhat of a challenge...
Published 2012-07-22

Global Daily for June

Question: Let us know about your activities, ministries, home assignment activities etc. for this summer. Answer: The nature of our ministry doesn't really change much with regard to the various seasons of the year. We do see somewhat smaller numbers at times during the summer, as people are often taking vacations and generally getting offline. We also often bring in a few summer interns to help them gain experience in web based ministry. During this...
Published 2012-06-26

November 2011 Updates

Dear Friends and Supporters, Thank you very much for your ongoing prayer and support of us here at Power to Change.  It's been a busy few months but we have been seeing almost constant growth of both the number of people coming to the sites, as well as the number of people being brought into the kingdom of God. I was privileged to speak in our church recently about our need for more volunteers to...
Published 2011-11-04

Global Daily for CHC

Every month, I'm asked to write an entry for the Global Daily for Central Heights Church.  This is my entry from October (published November).  We are asked to respond to specific questions, and the one for this month was "Tell us about a Scripture book or passage that is especially meaningful to you." I (James) think my favourite parts of the Bible are those highlighted in red text.  I love reading and learning about what...
Published 2011-11-01

Global Daily

What are the major hurdles, from your perspective, that will need God's divine enabling and overcoming in order for you to reach your ministry objectives? What are these objectives? Our position within the Power to Change ministry is actually a fairly unique one.  What I mean is that as missionaries on the Internet, we are not working in a traditional missionary type of environment.  We are not somewhere far off overseas serving the Lord in...
Published 2011-09-20

August 2011 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends, Thank you all very much for your ongoing prayer and support of us over these past few months.  It's hard to believe we're already a good way through summer.  (probably because we've had so little sunshine)  :)  I wanted to say an especially big thank you to all of you who have responded recently to our fund raising requests by joining our team, increasing your giving and giving additional special gifts. ...
Published 2011-08-02

Sharing Prayer

It has been an exciting few months here in TruthMedia. Now that the majority of our work has been finished on the Power to Change supersite, we have had the opportunity to branch out into a few other projects that were waiting on the back-burners. One of these, was to try and build a facebook app that would let people send in prayer requests. Power to Change and TruthMedia’s new “Need Prayer?” Facebook app helps...
Published 2011-03-11

Feb. Surgery Update

On Thursday of last week (Feb. 3) I received a call from the office of the specialist that we have been trying to see, telling me that they had an opening to operate on the following Tuesday (Feb. 8 ) and wondering if I could make it on short notice. Naturally I said yes and quickly arranged for a few days of sick leave from work. Though it wasn't ideal timing, I've waited for quite...
Published 2011-02-09

Prayer Requests

Please pray for the hurting people who we interact with on the sites. This last Monday our director shared how she had the opportunity to literally save a young man's life through the website over the weekend. The person was intending to drown himself in a lake, but searched the Internet one last time for the phrase “what happens when you commit suicide”. Our site came up as the first result in his search and...
Published 2010-11-24

2010 End of Year Update

We recently mailed out an end-of-year ministry update for 2010. We tried to get everyone we could think of who could possibly be interested in receiving an update about us, but if for some reason you were missed, we are putting it up here on the ministry site for you to read. You can download it in PDF format here. One of our big needs right now that we mentioned in the letter is for...
Published 2010-11-17
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