James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Personal Life :: Archive

Global Daily Dec. 2022

Our family has been slowly adjusting to our new life since moving up to Quesnel at the end of August. We love it here so far, especially the slower pace and quieter neighborhood. Winter hit early though...
Published 2022-12-01

We've Moved!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has been praying for us in our move! We have a new home! We are SO thankful for this new place. We have been here a week as of yesterday (Wednesday) and so far we love it! Though the journey has been rocky and super stressful at times we’re thrilled to be finally through and officially moved in.
Published 2022-09-08

Prayer Update

We are excited and encouraged to tell you that it looks like we have found a place to live! Thank you for praying! We have made an offer on a house for sale in Quesnel and it has been accepted.
Published 2022-08-05

Special Prayer Request

Please pray with us that we can find a new place to live by Aug. 30. We have lived in our Chilliwack townhouse for 15 years now and with the kids growing up it is beginning to feel pretty small.
Published 2022-07-29

Steelhead Falls

This weekend we couldn't bear sitting around at home any more so we visited Steelhead Falls up behind Mission. What a beautiful area to hike! Here are some of our favorite pics.
Published 2020-07-20

Our Very First Family Bike Ride

Yesterday, we went on our very first official whole-family bike ride.
Published 2019-04-05

Big Journeys & Small Stones

Dear Friends, I thought it was high-time to write an update regarding what has been happening in our lives over the past few months. Our family has had some adventures and also some harder times and we are very grateful for your continued prayer for us. Our first adventure was a trip to Edmonton. I (James) have a cousin who got married this summer, and we drove up as a family to attend the wedding....
Published 2018-07-30

Hatching Chicks

As you may know, we have been homeschooling our kids. This year, as part of their learning experience, we are hatching chicks! Carolanne had found a good deal on a 2'nd hand incubator a few years ago, and this year we have some fuzzy little additions to our family. (at least for a little while... we have no plans to actually keep chickens) [caption id="attachment_2745" align="alignnone" width="400"] This is the first chick that hatched. Cute...
Published 2018-05-18

Feb-Mar 2016 Newsletter

Over the past few years, one-on-one mentoring has become more and more central to our ministry focus. People come from many countries in the world asking questions on our websites, and we try to match each of them to one of our mentors who can walk with them in prayer. It is amazing to see how these relationships can carry on for years as the mentors and mentees walk together along this spiritual journey. We...
Published 2016-02-22

Ben LOVES Star Wars

Our son Ben LOVES anything related to Star Wars, and at his last birthday they had a great "light-saber" fight out front of our place. I thought it would be fun to post the (slightly modified) picture.
Published 2015-03-16

February Snow

I'm told (mostly by Carolanne) that I don't post enough pics of us and the kids, so here's some pics from our recent snowfall here in the 'Wack. [caption id="attachment_2170" align="alignnone" width="600"] Ben and Julia made snow angels[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2174" align="alignnone" width="450"] Julia working hard[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2169" align="alignnone" width="600"] Looks like they almost scraped the ground dry to make this guy.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2176" align="alignnone" width="450"] The snowman[/caption]  
Published 2014-02-12

October Update

Dear Friends and Supporters, I (James) wanted to write a quick update to let you know what has been taking place in our lives and ministry over the past few months. As you may have heard, one of our biggest projects this year has been the development of TheLife.com and the strategy for which it was built.  This has been an ongoing learning and development process for everyone involved, however the central purpose is to...
Published 2012-10-03

Car Situation Update

A quick update on the car situation. After much research, thought and prayer, we have traded in our 98 GMC Jimmy for a newer (and hopefully more reliable) 07 Jeep Patriot. We really weren't excited about having to finance a vehicle again (the Jimmy was paid for) however we needed something sooner than later, and felt that this was the right decision to make. Being a one-car family, that one car needs to be especially...
Published 2012-09-24

Our Road-trip

Well, we made it safely back from our mini vacation.  On Thursday Aug. 16, we packed our camping stuff into the truck and headed up to Lac le Jeune which is near Merritt.  We were intending to camp there over the weekend with a number of other families who attend our church.  We had just passed the first snow shed (tunnel) and begun the first serious climb out of Hope when the temp on the...
Published 2012-08-19

Pray for Carolanne's Dad

Please pray for our family and especially Carolanne's dad these days.  Last Tuesday (May 28'th) he went in to the Abbotsford hospital with some chest and back pain.  The Dr's have diagnosed it as having been a minor heart attack however they have kept him there for observation and more testing to find out the cause and to confirm the diagnosis.  In the process, they have discovered that he also has leukaemia.  Today (Monday) he...
Published 2012-06-04
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