James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Surgery :: Archive

Recent Updates

Thank you so much for your ongoing prayer and support of us. This Christmas is going to be a bit different for us as James' dad (Loren) will have just recently had heart surgery and we're not sure yet what changes that will bring. Please pray for a quick recovery for him and for peace for the rest of us. Please pray also for TruthMedia as this can be a very busy time of year...
Published 2011-11-23

August 2011 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends, Thank you all very much for your ongoing prayer and support of us over these past few months.  It's hard to believe we're already a good way through summer.  (probably because we've had so little sunshine)  :)  I wanted to say an especially big thank you to all of you who have responded recently to our fund raising requests by joining our team, increasing your giving and giving additional special gifts. ...
Published 2011-08-02

Feb. Surgery Update

On Thursday of last week (Feb. 3) I received a call from the office of the specialist that we have been trying to see, telling me that they had an opening to operate on the following Tuesday (Feb. 8 ) and wondering if I could make it on short notice. Naturally I said yes and quickly arranged for a few days of sick leave from work. Though it wasn't ideal timing, I've waited for quite...
Published 2011-02-09

Surgery and Ministry Update

Well it seems that God has other plans for my life than to be healed.  About a week after my surgery was cancelled, the problem reappeared.  Please continue to pray that things would improve and/or heal completely.  Please pray also for us as this process has been quite frustrating.  I'm stuck working from home again due to this and while I've been able to see the positive sides of things, it would still be better...
Published 2010-07-12

Surgery Cancelled ... Due to Healing

On Wednesday June 16'th, I received a call I'd been anticipating for quite a while.  The call was from the specialist Dr's office, informing me that they had time to do my surgery if I could come on short notice. The background to all this is that back in March, after waiting for months to see him, the specialist informed me that I would need another corrective surgery in order to attempt once more to...
Published 2010-06-21

Surgery Results

This is just a quick update to let you know the results of the surgery I recently underwent.   As far as I have been informed, the surgery did go well, though apparently the Dr. had to perform an alternate surgery due to the fact that the problems were too deep to be resolved by his original plan. I had been told before the surgery that there was a 1 in 10 chance that he would...
Published 2009-11-15

Update on James' Surgery

This is just a quick update regarding the surgery that I (James) will need to have.  Just to clarify in case there was some miscommunication, the infection is not life threatening or anything like that (as far as I know).  It is just painful and inconvenient and makes certain aspects of life very difficult. The surgery has been scheduled for November 10'th and I will probably have to be in the hospital overnight.  The reason...
Published 2009-10-14

Additional Surgery

A number of months ago, I wrote about the fact that I had to go for emergency surgery due to a large abscess that I developed.  At that time, I was told that there was a 1 in 4 chance that I might need additional surgery to further correct the problem after 3 months.  About a month ago, I went for a follow-up visit to the doctor who confirmed that I was probably one of...
Published 2009-09-16

James' Surgery and Recovery

On Monday July 13'th I (James) was admitted to the emergency room here in Chilliwack General Hospital around dinner time, due to excessive swelling of an infection I had been fighting with antibiotics over the weekend.  After having a number of doctors examine it, I was diagnosed with a very large, very deep absess which would need to be opened and drained.  I was scheduled for surgery that same evening at 9:00 PM and due...
Published 2009-07-15
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