James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

New Year Encouragement - FIXED

** My apologies for the previous messed up email. This one should appear properly. (James) **

The following emails and testimonies were received through the websites over the Christmas holidays. I trust that you will find them as encouraging as we did. Many of them show people in the midst of dealing with the raw issues of life, searching for some form of hope or meaning to it all. Please pray for us as we respond to these people and help to guide them to the saving love of Christ.

Just received Christ:

Im a 38 year old woman, I grew up in a catholic environment. This is my first to knowing Him in my life and i want to accept him into my life, as my life has become too unmanageable on my own. I give myself to Him and I welcome your prayers for me. Im new to this, but i welcome change. thank you

CITY: Los Angeles


New believer seeking growth:

I am at the beginning of my spiritual journey. I have a lot of issues that I need to deal with (self-esteem/confidence being the main one and link to all of the others). I know that God can help me with all of this but I'm not sure how to go about putting His word into my daily life and living it on a daily basis.

CITY: Roswell


Struggling and asking for Jesus' to help:

my grandmother is dying of cancer...my grades are slipping...life is falling apart at the seams...i need jesus

CITY: Port St Lucie, FL


Alone & seeking spiritual answers:

I know this is a 'girls' site but your stories hit me like an out of control locomotive tonight. If I could find a woman who had the capacity to understand and practice the art of listening I would be a much more comfortable man in understanding a womans perspective of life. I have a ton of praying and centering myself with god to do before I can expect blessings but your site has given me hope and a clear path to understanding what is expected from god in order to receive what I'am looking for. Thank you so much, Merry Christmas.

Alone on Christmas,


Lost & slaved to drugs - but seeking God:

I am a lost soul who has been a slave to cocaine,with anger and agression deep inside who has been nasty to loved ones and stressed the people i love .I feel very disgusted with my actions and been violent and aggresive in all my relationships,i am a person who has immoral sexuel behaviour and am very disgusted with my action . my imagination is over powering and it is effecting my life i feel i am letting everybody down around me and do not know what is normal anymore iv been brought up by a loving family and i want to know why i am this way please help me im distressed and need help will i ever be forgiven for my sins i feel i have the devil inside me and cannot escape this feeling of unworthy please help me god

CITY: London

COUNTRY: England

Searching the spiritual internet sites for God:

I am still searching and searching for answers to my question that I haven't been able to find an ansewer to yet: why was I sent to this world? or better yet. Why am I here? or another similar one, Why did God send me to this world. I have done one thing so far, I visited a spiritual website spiritual.com.au and another one, especially this one... -> 123numerology.com and had a free sample numerology reading and guess what? my life path number, destiny number or something like that is the rare number 11, I was shocked, I'm here for an EXTREMELY GOOD REASON. God never makes mistakes, I want to know what I am and I've even heard that through hypnosis, since the spirit knows but the mind doesn't remember since birth, here goes... -->through hypnosis or through Jesus what the spirit knows goes directly to the conscious mind, but there is no way I can easily reach a hypnotist, they're rare to find, so Jesus is the only one that can give me meaning in my life. HERE GOES THIS: --> I need ya'll to pray for me in the following manner: I want you all to let Jesus know that I'm very sorry for living as a regular person and without him and that I just want to know why I'm here, because it's driving me crazy with each passing day, not knowing. I have a lot to say, but I'll keep it like this for now.

CITY: Houston

COUNTRY: United States

College student discovers true and close relationship with God:

So, I stumbled across your page in a last minute search for some sort of encouraging hope. I'm only 19, I'm a college student, things are meant to be stressful and complicated, I realize that, but recently I lost an aunt that I was close to, a best friend is a better way to say it, and things have been going wrong for the past two years I've been at my university, today I broke down, I realized that I needed more in my life, something more fulfilling that what I have, because obviously something's not working for me, I started to wonder if God was sending me signs that maybe I wasn't meant to be at the school I was at considering I kept making irresponsible mistakes and losing my aunt and getting sick, things have been a mess, I grew up in the church, but I've never felt that personal relationship with God that everyone describes, I guess now in my time of need I was searching for that, for that close relationship that's going to help me understand God, help me understand why the things in my life are happening me...

CITY: huntington

Published Mon, Jan 8, 2007 in: exciting stories & emails newsletters
Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin