James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

He's growing up

Wow, I can't believe that Benjamin was 4 months old already. He's growing up. Right now he's sitting with me while I write this post. Here I will let him type...gggggggghhg...well that was Benjamin's typing.

He's so cute. I think he's so adorable. When he naps he will move around a bit and then thump his legs, all while fast asleep. It's quite funny to watch, because he will do it for at least 20 minutes in a row. I recorded a little...

James and I got to go on a date night a few days ago while James' sister, Esther, came out and took care of Benjamin. She's been willing to come out here and take care of him which we have appreciated so much. It's so nice to have the break. Benjamin is so cute and I love him so much and would never trade him, but it's nice to get some time alone, just James and I, to go and spend time with each other.

We also got a very nice picture of James and Ben together.

Published Wed, Oct 3, 2007 in: baby stuff
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