James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Benjamin says "ma ma"!

It is true, Benjamin can now say "ma ma". I can't say for sure when the first day was that he started, but he's been getting better and better at saying it. He was saying it quite a bit on Saturday the 26th and has continued ever since. I'm so glad. I like hearing him say "ma ma". James says that since he's figured that out he does not say "da da", but he's taking advantage of that by saying "Who do you want to feed you? or Who do you want to change you? Waiting for the response of "ma ma". Benjamin still does say "da da" just not as much right now.
Benjamin has become way more interactive lately. He'll squeal in delight and loves to grab for peoples faces. He's getting quite good at sitting by himself, unsupported, with a pillow behind him just in case he falls back. He does not do it as often anymore, but he use to get excited and throw himself backwards. We've got a rubber mat that he sits and plays on. That way when he topples over there is a bit of a cushion instead of the hard laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is great for easy clean ups and is much easier to wash, it's just not the softest for a baby just learning how to do different things such as sitting up by himself.
Benjamin is now 21 pounds, almost too big for his infant car seat. Our infant car seat goes up to 22 pounds. He's such a little cutie and we love him so much.

Published Wed, Jan 30, 2008 in: baby stuff
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