James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Benjamin's improving!

Benjamin is getting better and better at walking. He can now walk greater distances without the use of something to hold onto. He still will hold onto our finger when we go on a walk and he loves to hold onto his little ride on car and push it all around the house. He's figured out how to move it over the little bumps that divides the living room from the kitchen. This also means that poor Rusty can't get a decent nap without getting attached by a little boy coming at him with his toy car.

He loves playing with Rusty and they get along so well together. In fact they get along so well that they even share each others food. Benjamin will go and take his food over to Rusty and put it into his mouth. Benjamin will also eat Rusty's food if we have forgotten to pick it up off the floor in the morning. He loves bringing Rusty's toy to him and then taking it away and then giving it back again. He also enjoys playing in Rusty's crate. Rusty has been a great dog to have with Benjamin. He's so gentle with Benjamin.

This new found walking skill has opened Benjamin's eyes to so much more and because of this he can also get into more things as well as have more accidents.

He loves having his shoes put on and go for a walk. I will often try to go on a walk with him to go and get the mail. He loves it, but does not love when we need to turn around and head back.He loves being outdoors.

Published Thu, Oct 2, 2008 in: baby stuff information
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