James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Pictures of Benjamin

img_85661Benjamin's been having lots of fun with different things. Like Friday evening when my brother Will and Cynthia came over and we took our crested gecko out and he got to play with her. He loves her and was so excited. He even was holding out his arm and saying "aam, aam" ( he can't say the 'r' yet) It was really cute to see his reaction. He loved it when the gecko would jump and when the gecko was on him was trying to convince her to jump by telling her "jump, jump".  He was not scared at all. We all had loads of fun playing with the gecko or at least watching Ben.

Benjamin has also had lots of fun visiting uncle Bernie at Blackwood where he works. He loves getting to see all the forklifts and the big trucks and loves it img_8556when uncle Bernie puts him onto one of the forklifts. One time when James and I went to Blackwood as we were turning into the driveway Ben just squealed with delight. The last time we went uncle Bernie was on his break so we asked one of the workers if he could call Bernie and mention to him that someone is here to see uncle cookie. Uncle Bernie calls himself uncle cookie to Ben because he gives him cookies and candies and other treats. Ben loves his uncles.

img_8550Benjamin has also had fun looking at all the pictures that Grampy takes of him. I love how in this picture he just settled in there and relaxed, while Grampy and Ben went through the pictures grampy had taken when they were over for dinner to celebrate grammy's birthday.

Ben has also enjoyed curling up into his sleeping bag that is attached to his couch the folds out into a bed. img_8534He'll get all comfy and lie there and watch cartoons or bring his Elmo toy with him and have a conversation with him. He's lots of fun to watch and see how he masters such things as the zipper on the side of the sleeping bag. He no longer needs my help to get in there.

Thankfully so far he has not asked me to come and join him like he does on the big couch or on his big boy bed. He's getting quite good at getting on and off his big boy bed and we were thinking that we would try to graduate him to sleeping in it after his 2nd birthday in May. We are praying that the transition goes well.

Sometimes he will skip getting comfy on the couch and just lie back on Rusty instead and relax. img_8530

Rusty is very accommodating.

Published Fri, Apr 10, 2009 in: baby stuff
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