James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

James' Surgery and Recovery

On Monday July 13'th I (James) was admitted to the emergency room here in Chilliwack General Hospital around dinner time, due to excessive swelling of an infection I had been fighting with antibiotics over the weekend.  After having a number of doctors examine it, I was diagnosed with a very large, very deep absess which would need to be opened and drained.  I was scheduled for surgery that same evening at 9:00 PM and due to the excessive size and depth of the problem, the doctors put me to sleep.  (apparently it would otherwise have hurt a LOT)  I spent the night in hospital and was released to come home mid-morning the next day.

However, in order to avoid a recurrence of the swelling problem in the future, the wound was left open in order to heal slowly on it's own.  Unfortunately, this means I'm flat in bed for the next week or so, and will have to have a nurse check on it and reapply the gause and bandages on a daily basis until it is completely healed (est. 3 weeks)

Please pray especially for Carolanne during this time as I am able to help very little around the house or with Ben.  She has to take care not only of him but her big baby husband too.  Babysitting offers are also most welcome.  :)

Please pray also that my recovery time will be short and that further surgery will not be required.

Published Wed, Jul 15, 2009 in: newsletters personal life prayer requests surgery
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