James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Surgery Cancelled ... Due to Healing

On Wednesday June 16'th, I received a call I'd been anticipating for quite a while.  The call was from the specialist Dr's office, informing me that they had time to do my surgery if I could come on short notice.

The background to all this is that back in March, after waiting for months to see him, the specialist informed me that I would need another corrective surgery in order to attempt once more to fix the problems I've been experiencing over the past year.  Previous surgeries hadn't healed properly, and this last surgery was intended to correct the lack of healing from the other surgeries.  I was told at that time that I would need to come in to Burnaby hospital for the surgery, and should expect around a six month waiting period before space would become available.

When the Dr. called on Wednesday and informed me that they had a spot for me, I was more than happy to do whatever was necessary to accept the opportunity.  I was told they would be able to perform the surgery on Friday during the day, and that I should avoid eating and do some prep all day Thursday.  I got Friday off work and arranged for rides to deliver me to and from the Burnaby hospital.

When we got to the hospital, I informed the nurse that I wanted the Dr. to check things out before they "put me under and cut me open" because I was uncertain of the status of the problem.  After convincing the nurse that I wasn't just afraid of having surgery, but wanted to ensure that it was still necessary, she made arrangements to have the Dr. come check on me.

The nurses proceeded to prepare me for surgery and I waited for about 4 hours in a hospital bed before the Dr. was finally able to come to see me.  When he examined me, all he could find was scar tissue where previously there had been a hole.  After a short discussion about whether he should continue with the surgery or not, he recommended that we cancel the surgery and just "leave things be".

This was GREAT news to me as I had been expecting to spend the next few weeks flat out in bed recovering.  Now, instead, I was able to spend my Saturday helping Carolanne's parents move to a new place. We even took the boat out on Sunday to celebrate Father's day fishing on Stave lake.

Not needing surgery was a great Father's day present and we are very grateful that the Lord has seen fit to allow it to finally heal properly.  It was definitely an answer to our prayers.

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