James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Evangelism to 150,000 people

I recently received this update from our director and thought you also might benefit from reading it.

This month, TruthMedia will give 150,000 people from over 200 countries the chance to know Jesus and grow deeper in their faith. Each of those people can then talk to someone personally. That is an incredible opportunity!

In a culture where many Christians say they don’t know how to share their faith, we are seeing volunteers join our team and become trained in evangelism. Once equipped, they find it very natural to share the message of salvation with those who they are mentoring. Our role as TruthMedia is to train Christians and then to facilitate the conversation! As a result, both believers and non-believers lives are being transformed by the message of the Gospel!

We have a tremendously unique opportunity because the first place people are going for help is online and we are there!

During the past few weeks, we have been putting out a plea for more teen mentors. For those of you who know 16 – 21 year olds, they like to be responded to within a day. Unfortunately, this is becoming difficult to do as the volume of teen emails increases. You can help by becoming a mentor or sharing the need with someone you know who would like to talk to teens. Learn more: http://truthmedia.com/mentoring/what-is-online-teen-mentoring/

This week, I heard several stories of mentors who were sharing what God was doing in their lives because of their ministry. The generational gap is closed as young people are eager and willing to share deeply with those who make time for them.

I’ve been thinking about ways to simply communicate our ministry process. It can be summarized in three points. Truthmedia:

  • Creates multimedia content that meets people’s deepest needs
  • Trains Christians to evangelize and facilitate conversations with seekers
  • Mobilizes volunteers to take people on a faith adventure

I’m in awe at what God is doing! It’s so exciting to be part of modern-day evangelism where we can share the love of Jesus to people who are eager to talk about the matters of their heart.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. Today lives are being changed! What an exciting time to be involved in evangelism.

Serving together,

Karen Schenk

Director, TruthMedia


What an encouraging and exciting ministry we are able to be part of.  Thank you for YOUR help in allowing us to continue here.

Published Mon, Aug 30, 2010 in: exciting stories & emails newsletters
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