James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for the hurting people who we interact with on the sites. This last Monday our director shared how she had the opportunity to literally save a young man's life through the website over the weekend. The person was intending to drown himself in a lake, but searched the Internet one last time for the phrase “what happens when you commit suicide”. Our site came up as the first result in his search and so he posted the following comment on our article.

Greetings, this is going to sound very strange, l’m a very loving human being, l’m always happy. I know GOD PERSONALLY, but NOV 21,2010 l’m going to drown myself in lake michigan. Because l don’t understand why my prays are not being answered. I pray for humanity l love life l teach people aboutlove, but l have bills thats overwhelming (from Daniel)
Our director “just happened” to be looking through the site, found the comment and quickly began a conversation with him, encouraging him to choose life. In the end he DID choose life and the conversation is ongoing.

Sadly, this sort of situation is quite common and we receive emails quite often from people, stating that they intend to “end it all”. Please pray for the team members who receive and do their best to respond quickly and appropriately to these emails. Please pray also for this particular situation and for our director as she continues the conversation.

Please pray also for the TruthMedia ministry. We are really pushing hard to move into the realm of producing evangelistic video content in a desire to connect with a younger, video hungry audience. We have recently published four new video channels on our site entitled Business, Family, Spirituality and Sports. The goal of these channels is to provide both video and text content that leads people into deeper spiritual discussions and ultimately to a decision for Christ. The process has been a lot of work and learning for all of us. Please pray that the Lord would continue to use our efforts for His glory.

The impact of these videos has been undeniable.  We have seen huge spikes of traffic to these video resources and we're doing our best to lead people from the videos into further spiritual discussions.  Please pray that the Lord would use these to their maximum impact.

Thank you for all your prayers and support of us,
James and Carolanne Warkentin

Published Wed, Nov 24, 2010 in: newsletters prayer requests ministry prayer stories video
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