James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Global Daily Sept 2012

Every month Central Heights Church asks the missionaries they support to submit an entry for the "Global Daily" monthly prayer newsletter.  For September, the topic is "How has God blessed you in the past year?"

I have to say, we have felt incredibly blessed by the Lord over this past year.  We have been blessed with a great place to live and with great neighbours.  We have a lady who lives right next to us who has become like a third grandmother for the kids.  We have a good vehicle that is just the right size for our family.  We feel very blessed to be serving the Lord in the way that we are and feel that He is using us to bring glory to His kingdom.  We are blessed to have both our families nearby.  We are blessed to have each other and two great little kids.  We are blessed to live in a land where we are free to believe in God and share about Him with others.  We are blessed to have a great heavenly Father who loves us, watches over us and cares for our needs.  And we are very blessed to have a team of people who support us, care about us and pray for us regularly in this ministry.  We have SO much to be thankful for and we do thank God regularly for all the blessings that He has heaped on us.

Our prayer requests for this month would be as follows:

  • For the partnership that is forming between TruthMedia and JesusDaily.  JesusDaily is one of the biggest pages on Facebook, and the owner has come to us (TruthMedia) to ask if we can help provide mentoring to the thousands of people he has who write in to his page every day.  Pray for wisdom as we start this process and continue to develop the infrastructure to support this type of partnership.
  • For the ongoing growth of TheLife.  We want to continue encouraging more people to step out in their faith and take TheLife challenge.
  • For strength and unity in our team.  Many of us feel "under attack" by the enemy and we all need prayer that God would be our shield.

Thank you to all who have continued to pray for and support us.

Wishing you all the best,

James & Carolanne

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