James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

100,000 Teen Messages

This last week we hit a major milestone: the 100,000th teen message!

The 100,000th message came from a girl we’ll call Beth. Her life is forever changed.  The conversation started with a simple question: Is there a solid way to stop cutting and get past it as a way of coping?

As Beth and her mentor wrote back and forth a dark story emerged. Beth had experienced every type of abuse and was living in a shelter.  Her mentor prayed for her, shared scripture and listened. She told Beth about how Jesus understands suffering and offered her hope. More than a year later the two of them are still talking.

We started partnering with Dawson McAllister and his team in October 2007. That first month we received just 8 messages.  Today, the number of monthly messages has increased to over 2000. I can hardly wrap my head around the idea of 100 000 messages. God has truly blessed us!

Our goal is to continue to grow our mentor base so we can share Jesus with more young people every month. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a teen mentor you can learn more and apply here:

Thank you so much for YOUR partnership with us in this ministry through prayer and support.  Carolanne and I (James) are very blessed to have you on our team.  Please continue to pray for us as I work on the technical aspects of this ministry, and as Carolanne helps to keep our household running smoothly.

All the best,
James & Carolanne
Ben & Julia

* credit where due... parts of this message were copied from a letter written this weekend by the Director of TruthMedia.

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