James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

May Update

Recently I (James) have had the privilege of working on one of our athletic ministry sites called the Total Athlete Academy.  This site is designed to help athletes from around the world get the help, teaching, accountability, and encouragement they need to reach their full potential. Along the way we also introduce them to Jesus as being the only one who can truly fulfil their needs and change their lives. The athletes are matched with a coach who guides them in their athletic training and spiritual development.  It's a great avenue that combines sport and spiritual guidance and I feel very blessed that God has allowed me to help create the venue for this ministry to take place.

I have been reminded again that there are so many people out there who really have no idea who Jesus is or what he did. For example, I just heard about this connection from one of our French site administrators. She has been speaking with a Muslim girl who is from France about the topics of sin and forgiveness. Here is the paraphrased/translated version of what the girl just wrote back:

You said, "before you became a Christian", what were you before? And now you have been cleansed of all your sin? I have always wanted to understand how you atone for the bad things that you do. This is very interesting I have to admit. Please respond quickly.
What an amazing open door to share what Jesus has done for this girl.  Please pray for Carol (our site admin) as she responds to this person.  Here is another great story demonstrating how God is using our team to reach people with the good news of salvation.  It was written by one of our staff members who leads a regular chat room discussion.
Last Friday we had a new chatter in our study on the second coming of Christ. The lesson asks what will happen to those that have not accepted Christ at His return. It's a sobering reminder. Then just before the gospel presentation I asked our new comer if he had a relationship with Christ and he said no. I then asked if he wanted one. He said yes. So we continued through the gospel presentation with him accepting Christ. \o/ He later shared that he had a huge infidelity problem in his marriage and wanted help. So he now has a mentor.
Please pray for this man and his new relationship with Christ.  Pray also for his mentor, that the person will know how to guide him to an even deeper relationship with Christ, and also for the repairing of his marriage.

Finally, please pray for Carolanne and I as we continue to work with this amazing ministry God has permitted us to be a part of.  Pray that we would be wise in the decisions we make, and that God would make us even more effective in reaching the lost for Him.  Pray with me that His name would be glorified through our lives and that many more would come to know Him as a result of our work and your support of us in it.

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