James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Some Encouraging Stories

Just thought I'd post a few stories we've had which have come into the websites and email boxes recently.  Thank you again for your prayers for us and the TruthMedia team as we respond in God's love to these people.

A mom returning to work. She had suffered post-partom depression a while back and was nervous about the transition. She just needed just a bit of encouragement.

She wrote:

Many thanks for your insights and encouragement. It really provides a bit of a bigger perspective of the life experiences. Indeed the high expectations, perfectionism, and false guilt are things that continually creep up. Will definitely keep that in mind as we navigate through the next few months / years / and beyond :)

After connecting with one of our mentors, a mom-to-be who had been considering an abortion wrote this:

So after praying about this, I've decided to put my baby up for adoption. I know that I'm not ready to keep the baby right now and having an abortion just makes me sick to my stomach. In one of my classes at school today, my teacher showed us a video about an abortion clinic. The story went on about some of the babies that they aborted were still alive so they would just kill it. Another part of the video the narrator mentioned that there were several cases that the moms died from the abortions. I think that was Gods way of telling me not to have an abortion. After making the decision to put the baby up for adoption just put me at ease and I know that it will be hard giving him/her up but I know this is the best choice for me right now.. In a couple of weeks I'm going to find out the gender of the baby! I hoping it's a girl because I want her nickname to be ____ (mentor name removed for privacy) because you were the one who helped me with this choice

Then later:

GOOD NEWS!!!!!! I'm having a girl but guess what??? IM GONNA HAVE 2 OF THEM!!!!!!! that was a little shocking. That's gonna look interesting when I'm 9 months pregnant with twins considering the fact that I am only 5'2 haha but I'm so happy!!!

This person was in the first month of recovery from addiction:

Dear ____, hi how are you? I am feeling Gods presence more and more every day. I’ve now been clean for nearly a month,praise God! The attacks had been coming hard and fast so I'm learning to walk in his grace and am trying to read the bible more. I love him so much and want to do his will.....being free in the holy spirit is a comfort to my future. I now want to give up smoking which I know will fall away in his time........all that I'm going though isn't any harder as the last 21 years of my life has been. Thank you so much for coming into my life at a very scary time which with your prayers has turned into JOY.

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