James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

March 2014 Update

Thank you so much for your prayer and support of us over these past months. I trust you have had a great start to this year. Our year so far with Power to Change has been filled with quite a number of interesting activities so far. As an experiment to help those who like to skim, I have bolded the interesting parts. I'd love to hear your feedback.

Mt. Kelud Near MalangI travelled back to Indonesia in mid-January in order to meet with some staff who have joined our team on a contract basis.  These two Indonesian Christians will be working with us for a while in order to help accomplish some of the projects we currently have on-the-go. They seem like a really great team and so far have been making some great progress building a new, mobile-friendly site for us. Just one month after they started working with us though a volcano erupted only 35 km from their city and covered the area with ash.  Thankfully, they were ok, and have been continuing in their work, however please pray for them that no further events such as that one would take place.

respondCoverMy time at Power to Change has been split between managing the Indonesian team and working on building a new Intro Mentoring system.  We are trying to put together a place where people can easily jump into mentoring without the long application process or the intimidation of not knowing where to start.  Intro mentoring gives people an easy way to "try it out" with a much more simple application process and simple, prewritten responses that can be sent to the website visitors.

You could check it out for yourself at: http://tmm.io/

It really is fun to be part of a ministry that is actually making a difference in people's lives around the world. This was part of a letter I received recently from our ministry director recently.

A few days ago I got an amazing reminder of the work that God is doing in and through us. That morning someone called the front desk at Power to Change. We’ll call her Stephanie. She told us the story of a beautiful young woman in her family who was cutting herself.  Stephanie looked to the internet for help and that’s where we came in.

First, she found our article, “Understanding Cutting”. From there she saw the link to the chatroom and joined the conversation. She also found the link to talk to a mentor.

Stephanie wants to grow as a Christian, so we’ve sent her the link to thelife.com. She wants to help the young woman in her family, so she’s going to get her connected to a mentor. Stephanie wants to find a church and increase her faith, so we’ve sent her online resources to help with that.

This caller had a crisis in her family and as a Christian, she reached out for help. TruthMedia was there. What an honor to get to be part of something like that!

Thank you for your part in helping to make connections like these happen.  There are so many stories that I hear like this one, of people who's lives are touched in some way or another as a result of the ministry God has given us. Thank you for supporting us financially and thank you for your prayer. Both of these are critically important to us and we really appreciate the dedicated people who form our team.

Prayer Requests:

  • TruthMedia leadership is undertaking a refocusing of our ministry to clarify our identity and direction for the coming years.  Please pray for wisdom for them as the work through this process.
  • Personal support for us is still substantially lower than it should be. Please pray that God would give us wisdom and favour as we continue to raise our funding. Learn more about how to donate here.
  • TruthMedia ministry funding is also very low. Pray for larger donors to consider giving towards the ministry in order to keep the ministry running.

Published Wed, Mar 12, 2014 in: newsletters mentoring stories prayer requests indonesia
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