James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Happy New Year 2015

Merry Christmas 2014 from James, Carolanne, Benjamin and Julia

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Dear Friends,

I trust you've had a blessed Christmas and New Year as we welcome 2015. Carolanne and I spent the holidays celebrating with both of our families. Following that we took the weekend of the 27'th to celebrate our anniversary while my parents watched the kids. Our kids thoroughly enjoyed roasting marshmallows over the in-door "campfire" we got for grammy. Here are a few other pictures from our recent activities.

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The ministry this coming year will likely see a renewed focus on developing our mentoring program in which our mentors work to lead people on the next steps of their spiritual journey. Each day lost and hurting people write in from the various websites and we connect each one with a mentor who can help to walk with them and introduce them to Christ. This is an example of some of the many stories our mentors share about the ministry:

S________ told me that she opened up with her husband about her negative feelings and felt that they had a very open and loving conversation. She also prayed a similar prayer that I suggested for her to pray that is about following Jesus and now she is taking baby steps to get closer to Him. - Jan. 14, 2015

And another mentor wrote:

B________ grew up knowing the Lord but her life had taken her away from Him but she had come to realise that she needed the Lord and has now redicated her life to the Lord and is desirous of having Him in control of her life. - Jan. 11, 2015

And from the chat ministry

Another young man from Asia just accepted Christ in our chat rooms!

This really is why I love being a part of this ministry. I love hearing how God is using people on our team to reach the lost around the world every day with God's great news of salvation. My small part in this is to build the software that allows this ministry to take place. I work on building the tools to allow the mentors and visitors to connect and communicate effectively.

Thank YOU so much for your part in helping this ministry to take place. Your continued support and prayer over the past year have been a big encouragement to us. We truly feel blessed having such a faithful team of people standing behind us in this ministry. Please let us know if there are any ways in which we can pray for or encourage you.

Wishing you all the best this new year,

James & Carolanne

Benjamin & Julia

Published Mon, Jan 26, 2015 in: information newsletters pictures
Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin