James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

February Updates

Spring is here again! Well, at least here in BC. The flowers are budding and the temperatures have been spring-ish. I'm glad to live here on the west coast instead of ... say ... Newfoundland. (or the rest of Canada) :)

Carolanne and the kids have been quite enjoying the nice weather. As homeschoolers, they often go on field trips to various interesting and educational spots around the Fraser Valley, such as the fire hall, the zoo, the Blue Heron wildlife reserve or the local First Nations reserve to learn about their native culture.

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Most of my work this past January-February has been in the ongoing development and finessing of our mentoring software. As I mentioned in previous articles, our big focus these days is in helping to connect our website visitors with real people (mentors) who can help to answer their questions and guide them on the next steps of their spiritual journey in a very personal and hands-on way. A few days ago, I published a short note about a young adult who wrote to us recently about his experience as a visitor/mentee.

“Guys I just wanna suggest you get this app. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. You can talk to somebody all day everyday and you can get a mentor (which I highly suggest because thats what really helped me, mine is the sweetest person and feels more like a friend) You can talk about anything really. And they listen better than anyone I’ve ever talked to."
I really love reading and hearing about the various stories of changed lives that take place through this ministry. It helps me to know that what I do, even though most of my day involves computer programming, actually makes a big difference in the lives of those whom I serve. I hope you know that if you have been praying for us or supporting us in this, these stories I share are just as much a result of your partnership as my work. Thank you.

Church Partnership

We are also beginning to partner with various churches in this mentoring ministry. We want to help churches to reach out to their own communities through social media and the web and give the church members the opportunity to invite those same people into relationship with Jesus. You can learn more through the video and information on our site, but here's a quick summery:
We provide a digital evangelism and discipleship training solution that equips local churches to interact with their local neighbourhood about the issues they face. Church members are trained to build relationships and share their faith with their neighbors online, leading to community impact and church growth.

Closing Thoughts and Email Subscription Details

Thank you again so much for your partnership with us in this ministry. We are so honored to have so many people faithfully praying for us and supporting us in this ministry.

If you have been receiving our newsletters by email, you may have noticed a slight change in the format for this one. I am experimenting with a new email setup where most people on my list will receive the regular newsletter publications but some may also ask to receive EVERYTHING we publish here. I don't always send out everything from the blog by email, so if you would like to get EVERYTHING, feel free to let me know and I'll update your subscription.

If you are not subscribed to our email newsletter and would like to be, you can do that here.

Finally, if you have an Android phone, you can skip the email list entirely, and just install our app. Sorry iPhone folks... nothing for that platform yet.

Wishing you all the best,
James & Carolanne,
Benjamin & Julia

Published Fri, Feb 27, 2015 in: newsletters
Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin