In just over a week, I (James) will be heading to Ontario for our national Power to Change staff conference. This conference is a great opportunity for the Canadian staff from across the country to come together for a week of renewed vision, training and celebration of what God has been doing through the various ministries in the organization. We meet together daily in worship and also attend various break-out sessions throughout the week. All Commissioned and Associate staff members are required to attend.
This year we will be encouraged by the speaking of Gary Thomas, author of several books, including Sacred Marriage, Sacred Parenting, Sacred Pathways and Authentic Faith. His books and ministry focus on spiritual formation: how we can integrate Scripture, church history, and the time-tested wisdom of the Christian classics into our modern experience of faith.
This event is something that we raise funds for in order to be able to attend. Would you prayerfully consider giving financially to help cover the cost of my attending this conference? If you would consider it, you may give online via the secure donation form on PowerToChange.com using this link:
If you would prefer to give in another way, you can find more information on our blog at:
Please also pray for us that this event would be an uplifting time for us as an organization. Pray for our families, many of whom remain at home during this week. Carolanne and the kids will be remaining in Chilliwack while I am away.
Thank you for considering this opportunity. Please don't feel any pressure in this either way. We truly appreciate having you as part of our ministry team.
Wishing you all the best,
James & Carolanne
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