James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Priscilla - A Mentor's Story

The following video shares the story of Priscilla who is a faithful mentor with The Life Project. It was shown at our recent Staff Conference and I now have permission to share it with you. This is one of the many reasons why I love being a part of this ministry. If you received this by email, and for some reason the video doesn't work, you can view it on our blog at: /2016/07/26/priscilla-a-mentors-story/


What an incredible story of service and care from her heart. I love hearing and seeing how the mentors who serve with us care so deeply about the impact they have and the opportunity to make such a difference in the lives of those they mentor. We have such an amazing opportunity to change lives around the world!

I know that not all the conversations mentors have with people have results like these ones. Sometimes we write back and never hear anything further. Other times the initial message from the person might be a single word. And yet some of the most powerful stories of lives being changed have come as a result of the mentor persisting in love. And in the end, the job of the mentor is to simply encourage the person to take the next steps in their journey towards knowing Jesus.

May I challenge you to consider being a part of this ministry in some way as well? There are many different ways you could help.

  1. Become a mentor!

    Starting is simple. You can get your feet wet by going to https://tmm.io/.  We provide the training right there and you can start in as little as 5 minutes. Don't worry, we start you off VERY easy and you control how much you want to take on.

  2. Join our team!

    We need good tech people, writers and communicators. Find out more on our site: https://thelifeproject.com/join

  3. Give generously!

    God has placed His resources in our barns to be invested wisely in His kingdom work. From a business finance perspective, the ROI in this ministry is HUGE. This is the parable of the talents in action! Prayerfully consider whether this is something He would want His funds to be used for. Learn how you can give here:


  4. Subscribe!

    We send out period newsletters with updates from our ministry and personal lives. Sign up here.

  5. Ask Questions!

    If you came here and don't understand what all this is about, or you haven't yet made the decision to start your relationship with God, I would love to talk with you and try to answer your questions. You can contact me or Carolanne privately on our contact form. We would love to hear from you. OR read more about what we believe here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you would be interested in hearing more about our ministry, I would love to get together for coffee or dinner. Don't hesitate to talk to me.

All the best,

James Warkentin

Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin