James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Ministering In India And Expecting Twins

Spring is here! ? And with it we see the early flowers starting to blossom and the trees putting out new buds. Here in BC we also had to start getting up an hour earlier (ugh) but it does feel like the days are getting longer and I'm glad to have more daylight in the evening after work.

?? As a good Canadian, I must apologize... I may have misled you into thinking that Carolanne and I are expecting twins. Thankfully, we are not, but read on to find out who might be! ?

Partnerships In India

Our team has been busy the past few months, and one of the biggest developments has been the formation of several partnerships with groups and lay-leaders serving on the ground in India. ?? The nation of India is a huge potential mission-field with a population of 1.3 billion people with only 2.3% claiming Christianity as their religion.*

We are in the process of building partnerships with several different groups right now who would like to use our mentoring software to reach and mentor people in their respective areas of India and Bangladesh.

? Please pray for these partnerships, that the Lord would use the folks on the ground, and the tools we provide, to share the love of Christ with many in the nation of India. Pray especially for our director Sheldon as he and a small team will be traveling out there to meet with leaders in-country and finalize some of the details required to allow this ministry to happen.

* Source: Wikipedia

Donation Matching Update

A few months ago I mentioned that there is a special donor who has partnered with The Life Project to financially match any gifts that we are able to raise, up to $100,000. This gift has been a HUGE blessing to our whole team and we have all been working together to take this opportunity to raise funds in order to take advantage of the matching. Essentially it has meant that every additional donation we receive is duplicated with a gift to The Life Project.

? ? I am really excited to tell you that working together as a team we have raised the full $100,000! In fact, the donor making the match has been quite impressed and has pledged an additional $50,000 until the end of June. ? ?

As part of this funding drive, Carolanne and I have personally been praying for and trying to raise an additional $250/month in monthly support. Though one-time gifts are VERY helpful, these monthly donations are especially critical to us, since we are still a long way from having our full monthly support.

Encouraging Stories

What would a newsletter be without "stories from the field"?! ? Since my role on the team is very technical, I went looking for a good story from one of our more "front-line" staff. I found this, which reminded me again why I do this work. This was written by one of our online chat coordinators:

One of the greatest joys so far this quarter is the salvation of an expectant teenager who came into the room in January, fearful that she'd be pushed into an abortion. That first evening, she accepted Christ as her Savior. The next day her boyfriend came to the room and made the decision to follow Christ as well. Soon she reported that she'd been to a pregnancy resource center where she'd joined a Bible study and was getting help. The last I heard, they had gotten married and had found out that she's expecting twins. Both of these young people come from homes where parents do not yet know the Lord, so do join us in prayer for their salvation.

Praise the Lord ? ? for how He continues to work every day through the faithful service of our team using the tools I have the honor of helping to build. Thank you for your part in allowing us to be a part of this ministry.

Prayer Requests

? We truly appreciate the great team of friends, supporters and prayer warriors who stand with us in this ministry. We are reminded quite often that we couldn't do this job without you. Please continue to pray for us in the following areas:

  • Sheldon's trip to India (see above)
  • More technical staff

    We are looking for a few more people to join our technical team. Specifically a front-end designer and a back-end programmer.

Lets Get Together!

If you have any questions about our ministry, or would like to hear more, we would love to connect further. If you live somewhere in or around the Fraser Valley, BC, we could easily get together for coffee, pie or a meal. ? Why not drop us a note? Click here to leave us a note on our website form. It goes to both Carolanne and I (James). Or, if you got this by email, just hit "Reply". We would love to hear from you.

Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin