James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Hope In Troubled Times

Dear Friends,

I hope you are well. I know these are stressful and difficult times, but I wanted to encourage you with the words of Jesus from the gospel of John.

32 “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:32-33 NIV - Emphasis added

Kinda seems appropriate for today, doesn't it! He was speaking to his disciples shortly before they were to see Him arrested, charged and sentenced to immediate death. Suddenly instead of being a merry band of followers, they would be scattered, alone and in fear that they were next on the soldier's list. So Jesus tells them ahead of time what is going to happen so that they might have peace and know that He has overcome the world.

This message is for us too in these troubled times. Even though the world around seems to be in chaos, we can hold tight to Him. He is our peace. He is alive. He is risen. And He has overcome the world.

In the ministry, things have been really very busy. As a result of Covid, we find ourselves suddenly in the position of being "the experts in the field" of online ministry. Organizations who have traditionally focused on in-person style ministry are now looking at their online presence and wondering how they can pivot or improve.

Our staff has been growing and so has our reach and impact. Our primary strategy is still to encourage people to connect with an online mentor who is there to pray with them, encourage them and lead them closer to Jesus.

I don’t understand not working for my salvation. I’ve stressed myself out with this for years and now, I’ve given up on trying to find Jesus. It’ll never work for me and I’ll never understand it. The world is ending and I’ll never experience God.

Initial message received from Bobbie* two months ago.

I made the decision to follow Christ.

Received from Bobbie* last week after a long conversation with the mentor.

We now have over 800 active mentors who have together mentored more than 30,000 people just in 2020. We are continuing to expand into new languages and new areas of the world including Turkey, Slovakia and Russia. We are expanding our IssuesIFace.com strategy to languages such as Arabic, Farsi, Hindi and Punjabi.

Thank you for the part you play in allowing this ministry to continue. Through your financial partnership, support and prayer you help us continue to serve. Please continue to pray for us! And please don't hesitate to talk to us if there is anything we can help with or pray for you.

Wishing you all the best,
James W

* name changed for privacy

Published Tue, Jun 16, 2020 in: newsletters
Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin