Dear Friends,
We have a special and urgent prayer request for you today.
Please pray with us that we can find a new place to live by Aug. 30.
Here's a bit of background to this. Earlier this year (maybe February or March) we decided that it would be a healthy decision for our family to sell our townhouse and move to a larger place. We have lived in our Chilliwack townhouse for 15 years now and with the kids growing up it is beginning to feel pretty small.
However, mainly due to housing prices and mortgage costs, we decided we could not afford to buy anything larger around here in the Fraser Valley. Any actual houses around here typically sell for double the value of our townhouse. Usually over $1 million, which is far beyond what we can possibly afford to buy or mortgage.
As such, we chose to look for places in Quesnel which is a small town around 7 hours drive north of here. Prices there seemed much more reasonable, we had two family relatives already living there, and a third family of relatives moving to Prince George. (about 1 hour further north)
So, mid-April we put our house on the market for sale, expecting that it would sell fairly quickly at a good price. Two other places in our complex sold very quickly, with multiple competing offers. Then we waited... and prayed... and waited... and prayed... and waited.
Finally 3 months later we decided to accept the only offer we had received, which was very low compared to what we listed at originally. Our realtor informed us that if we didn't accept this offer, the next would likely be lower. So, we sold our place with a completion date of Aug. 29'th.
Now we're in the complicated position of needing to find somewhere else to buy, and quickly. We can't really afford anything larger here in the Fraser Valley; most likely not even the same size as what we have had.
We would really love to find a place on acreage. There are a few of these in Quesnel but they still have pretty high pricetags and many are older or quite run-down.
At this point we're starting to feel pretty desperate. We thought this was the direction that God was leading us. There have been several things that have taken place in the process to point us in that direction, however the overall progress has felt painfully slow and really stressful on all of us.
Please pray that God would provide just the right place for us and really quickly.
Thank you!
James, Carolanne, Ben and Julia
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