James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Live Chat Launched!

Dear Friends,

I'm excited to tell you about a really cool story that happened just today!

Over the past several months one of my projects has been to build a Live Chat system for our ministry. The goal was to create a tool that we could add to our evangelistic websites which would offer visitors an opportunity to chat right away in real-time with one of our online mentors.

Today we officially launched it on our primary evangelistic website, issuesiface.com!

My boss Sheldon (the director of our ministry) was the first to give it a try as a mentor. In less than an hour Jen (not her real name) popped up asking "i cant get in control of my life".

i cant get in control of my life

Sheldon introduced himself and invited Jen to share more about the issues she wanted to talk about. As they chatted, Jen was able to open up about some of the struggles she is facing. She shared that she is in Botswana and found our site because she went to the Internet searching for help.

Throughout the hour and twenty minutes they talked, Sheldon was able to turn the conversation towards faith. She shared that she was a Christian but hadn't been to church in a while. She allowed Sheldon to pray for her and to offer some suggestions for dealing with the issues she was struggling with.

What an amazing first chat on the new system!

This was such a cool conversation to have as our very first chat interaction. Near the end Jen shared "i really love this website, its the first live chat that was really helpful"

I'm so glad that I get to be part of a ministry that is making a difference in people's lives around the world! I love seeing that the work I do has a direct impact for God's glory.

Thank you too for helping support us in this! Please pray for our team that God would continue to use us to lead people closer to Jesus. That's our goal: to receive people wherever they are at, and lead them closer to Jesus.

As a result of this chat with Sheldon, it sounds like Jen is going to try going back to church. She was encouraged in her faith and given tools to grow deeper in her relationship with the Lord.

Thank you for the part you have played in letting this conversation happen!

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