James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Jesus :: Archive

Some Statistics

Normally, raw statistics are not all that inspiring. I thought these were worth sharing though. This is a glimpse into why I do what I do. So far today, there are 24 people who have indicated that they've decided to accept Jesus as their forever-friend. And the day isn't over yet.
Published 2014-10-10

Bono Answers "Who Is Jesus"

I found a great video online recently where Bono answers the question of "Who Is Jesus?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOQClgNRoPc I think this is a great starting-point to talk about our faith as Christians with people who may not yet have made the decision to follow Christ. Power To Change has a number of great articles on this topic, including this followup series. http://powertochange.com/itv/spirituality/jesus-is-unique-8/ [caption id="attachment_2250" align="alignnone" width="640"] Jesus claims of divinity[/caption]
Published 2014-04-07

Easter... What's the big deal?

You may be asking yourself... "What's the big deal about Easter?"  I'd like to tell you what it means to me. Easter is the time when I remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Jesus was born in Israel 2000(ish) years ago and claimed to be the son of God, come to save us from destruction.  He backed that claim up by performing many documented signs and miracles in the presence of many witnesses.  ...
Published 2013-03-30

God Loves You

God loves you.  Revolutionary isn't it.  It's so easy to say, yet so difficult to understand or comprehend.  I've been reading in Daniel lately and one of the things that stuck out to me was the language that is used to describe God's feelings about Daniel.  Daniel 9:20-23 says the following: 20 I went on praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people, pleading with the Lord my God for Jerusalem, his...
Published 2011-11-28

Global Daily for CHC

Every month, I'm asked to write an entry for the Global Daily for Central Heights Church.  This is my entry from October (published November).  We are asked to respond to specific questions, and the one for this month was "Tell us about a Scripture book or passage that is especially meaningful to you." I (James) think my favourite parts of the Bible are those highlighted in red text.  I love reading and learning about what...
Published 2011-11-01

Who do you smell like?

During our recent time at the Power to Change biennial Zone Conference I had an interesting conversation with one of our newer staff members.  He was telling me all about his favourite hobby restoring an old car.  His wife, apparently, doesn't share his same passion, referring to the vehicle as his "mistress".  She could always tell when he'd been spending time with "his mistress" because when he came in he brought with him a certain...
Published 2011-08-22
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