James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Pictures :: Archive

San Diego Trip

Well at the end of May we took a trip with our whole family to San Diego to visit Ben and Julia's great grandparents (James' grandparents).  Grampy and Grammy also were going along with us on this trip. We had lots of fun and here are just a few of the pics we took on our trip. [gallery link="file"] Ben had lots of fun on the Merry-Go-Round and till this day still wants to go...
Published 2010-08-10

The last of my brothers got married!

Well, my second youngest brother, Will, got married! He married a sweet girl by the name of Cynthia. So now all my 4 brothers are married. Here are a couple photos that we took at their wedding and the night before. My brother John loves getting down to the kids level and as you can see the kids love it! [gallery link="file"]
Published 2010-08-10

The kids at Staff Conference

Well both Ben and Julia did really well for our time in Whistler for Staff Conference. Ben made himself up a new bed that he loved to sleep in and never went back to sleeping in the big bed after that. He looked so comfy.He would say "I syeeping in the corner" Julia loved scooting around and watching her brother and checking out our bed. I stayed with the kids while James was able to...
Published 2010-08-10

Cute moment from Ben

[caption id="attachment_951" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption=""you having fun byue puppy""][/caption] This was Ben after we got home from Uncle Phil and Aunt Elly's place this evening. He had dropped his puppy on the muddy ground while we were getting into the car and when we got home puppy was going to have a bath. James and I got a kick out of Ben looking into the washer and asking if he was having fun. He was...
Published 2010-08-07

My first gallery post

Our family [gallery link="file" columns="2"] These are just a few pictures of our family recently.
Published 2010-03-17
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