James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Who We Are

James & CarolanneHello and welcome to our ministry website. Our names are James and Carolanne Warkentin. I, James, work as a missionary with Power to Change using the Internet to share about Jesus with people who are searching for answers online. Carolanne home-schools our kids and keeps our household running smoothly. As missionaries, we raise all of our financial support as donations from people such as yourself. (Power to Change was formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ)

A little about what I do...

As a missionary on the Internet, my job often involves a large amount of sitting in front of a computer, typing, and helping to build the infrastructure needed to do this kind of ministry. I build the systems that allow the ministry to happen. I work with a team of around 30 other people, and together with God's help, we are able to reach into some of the most closed countries in the world with the message of God's salvation.

The results...

As a direct result of our ministry here at Power to Change, we help people come to know Jesus every day. These are people from all over the globe, from different countries, nationalities and languages. We see people from China, India, Iraq, Indonesia and many more.

Received recently off one of the websites

“Thank you for this practical and wise advice! I live in a muslim society, where many marriage relationships are based on unilateral interests. This article reminds me and my husband that Christ sets us free so we have the fullness of life in marriage as well. We learn to participate in God’s healing process of our relationships so that we not only become closer with our spouses, but also closer with Jesus.”

This is just one of the great stories and emails we receive on a regular basis from the people to whom we are ministering. You can read many more stories from the ministry here.

The challenge...

Would you consider helping us to reach this goal by making a financial donation?

Canadian Donations

USA Donations

More Giving Information

As missionaries, we are required to raise our salary and all ministry related expenses from people like yourself in the form of donations. So far, we are around halfway to having all of our support raised, but we still have quite a bit to go.

If you would be able to help us with this, I know that we would both REALLY appreciate it.

Click here for more information on how you can help.

Thank you very much for your consideration in this.

We cannot express how encouraging it is to us when people are willing to help us in this way.

Wishing you all the best in Christ Jesus,

James and Carolanne Warkentin

If you have any questions for us at all, please feel free to ask using the following form. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin