James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

The Life

The Life is a strategy which seeks to engage with Christian believers and challenge them to take new steps of faith.  At the time of writing, The Life is under development by TruthMedia and PowerToChange. These are the pieces (to date) which compose The Life strategy:

The Life Components:

  • A prayer: Dear Jesus, I want you in the center of my life and commit through your power, to serve and obey you Any time. Anywhere. At any cost. To do anything.
  • A challenge: to step out in faith and begin sharing the gospel with a friend.
  • A card: signed by The Life member indicating their commitment to the challenge in the prayer.
  • A website: thelife.com gives members a place to connect and be further challenged with specific steps they can take in this commitment.

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