James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Support Raising Challenge

We have a challenge for those of you who are already supporting us or would like to help us in some way that is not just financial. One of the problems that we have been continuing to encounter is the issue of "who to talk to". Carolanne and I feel like we have exhausted most if not all of our list of names of people who we can talk to about supporting us. As we previously discussed on this post, we are only at about 30% of where we need to be in terms of support raised.

We would like to challenge each of you to try and connect us with at least one other person in your own sphere of influence who might be willing to support us or even just hear more about what we do. If each person on our support team could introduce us to one other person or couple who would be willing to talk to us about support that would be a HUGE blessing and help to us.

We have been thinking about fun ways that we could do this and have come up with the following list:

  1. Invite them to go for dinner with you and us at our treat, to talk to us about what we do and our support needs.

    If you are local, we would be happy to take both you and your friends for a dinner at Red Robin or some similar restaurant, with the purpose of talking to them about support. Obviously you would want to make sure they know that the dinner is about supporting us, and not just surprise them when they get there. :)

  2. Host a dessert or dinner with us and them.

    If you would prefer to do something at your own home, hosting a dessert or a dinner with us and them might be a fun and informal way to invite them to hear about our ministry.

  3. Call and find out if they would like to talk to us directly.

    If you have someone who you think would be interested in hearing from us, call them up and find out. If they're interested, let us know and we'll be happy to set up a meeting with them.

  4. Write them a letter

    If you are the letter writing type, try writing a letter to your friend, asking if they would be willing to talk to us. Let us know if you want a form letter that you could take and modify.

  5. Other ideas?

    You're more than welcome to come up with your own ideas on how you might introduce us to someone else. We would be happy to hear them.

We really do appreciate all the help that you can give us in this area. Please feel free to let us know if there is any other way that you would like to help us in this process.

Published Mon, Feb 19, 2007 in: support raising
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