James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

A mentor is used by God to stop a destructive affair

The following is a really encouraging email that Karen (the director of TruthMedia) recently sent out. I thought you might find it encouraging and inspiring:

This past week, a staff member at Power to Change received a very troubling and difficult email from a married woman who was about to leave her husband for another man. This man is a pastor and he was also planning on leaving his wife to engage in this relationship.

As a result of the conversation that took place this week, This woman, we’ll call her Jill, made the active decision to end the relationship with this pastor. It was a difficult one, but she realized that the breaking up of two marriages to fulfill her desire for love was not what God wanted her to do.

Later she told her mentor, “You know yesterday when at the end of my rope, I don’t even remember what I googled, looking for advice..and somehow ended up on your website and got you. God is so beautiful.”

I found it remarkable to see the many things that happened in the course of the messages that went back and forth:

  • A mentor was used by God to have a profound impact in a woman’s life and was able to connect her back to God and away from a destructive path.
  • A woman who was seeking love in all the wrong places was able to see a glimpse of the consequences that would result from her choices. She instead chose to turn to God and walk away from her sin.
  • Two families were saved from destruction
  • One church did not have to face the devastation of a pastor’s divorce
    These two families need prayer. God wants to use both this pastor and this woman to further His Kingdom. Please pray that they would stick to the decisions that have been made and that they would turn away from future temptations and back toward their spouses.

Relationship issues are one of the top reasons why people end up on our site and in conversations with mentors. These issues open the door to conversations about spirituality and the role God has in their lives. What a huge open door to share the message of God’s love.

Thank you for serving with us. Life changing connections are being made every hour of the day through this ministry. We need your help and deeply appreciate your prayers, finances and the role you play as you serve together with us.

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