James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

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Global Daily for June

Question: Let us know about your activities, ministries, home assignment activities etc. for this summer. Answer: The nature of our ministry doesn't really change much with regard to the various seasons of the year. We do see somewhat smaller numbers at times during the summer, as people are often taking vacations and generally getting offline. We also often bring in a few summer interns to help them gain experience in web based ministry. During this...
Published 2012-06-26

Mentoring Makes a Difference!

If you don't think that the websites or mentoring really makes a difference, here is a story from someone who's life was transformed... First of all thank you for that wonderful message. I think this is an awesome ministry. It was a life saver for me, and now I hope I can help it be for others. When I came to this site over a year ago, it helped change my life forever. I felt...
Published 2011-11-27

A mentor is used by God to stop a destructive affair

The following is a really encouraging email that Karen (the director of TruthMedia) recently sent out. I thought you might find it encouraging and inspiring: This past week, a staff member at Power to Change received a very troubling and difficult email from a married woman who was about to leave her husband for another man. This man is a pastor and he was also planning on leaving his wife to engage in this relationship....
Published 2011-08-26

Who do you smell like?

During our recent time at the Power to Change biennial Zone Conference I had an interesting conversation with one of our newer staff members.  He was telling me all about his favourite hobby restoring an old car.  His wife, apparently, doesn't share his same passion, referring to the vehicle as his "mistress".  She could always tell when he'd been spending time with "his mistress" because when he came in he brought with him a certain...
Published 2011-08-22
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