James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Februrary 2013 Update

Thank you for all your prayer and support for us over the past months. Life at Power to Change has been quite interesting lately. We're engaged in two major projects these days. The first is the development of The Life. Over the past year or two we have been helping with the development of a concept called The Life. The Life (found at www.thelife.com) is a call to commitment for Christians. Our part has been primarily on the website side of things, developing the software pieces needed. Pray that God would use this strategy for His glory and that many would come to know Him as a result of it.

The second major item we've worked on is a partnership with Jesus Daily. Jesus Daily is the largest page on FaceBook, with a weekly reach of around 45 million people. The details are still being worked out but it sounds like we will be responding to a lot of the messages that come in from people on FaceBook who are seeking God's help in their lives. Pray that God would give us wisdom as the last details of this partnership are hammered out and that His will would be done in this.

Finally, please continue to pray for funding, both for Carolanne and I in our personal part of the ministry, as well as for TruthMedia as a whole. We need funds for running the hardware as well as for individual financial support.

Thank you,
James, Carolanne, Benjamin and Julia.

Published Tue, Feb 19, 2013 in: newsletters prayer requests thelife jesus daily
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