James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Global Daily - June 2013

Every month I am asked to write a short update on a given topic for one of our supporting churches.  I often share these entries here as well for your encouragement and to inform you of what we are doing these days.

Topic: What inspires you to keep doing the work you are doing?

I am always inspired when I hear the stories of how my work is helping others lead people to Christ. One of my roles is in serving other missionaries within the ministry, building and maintaining the systems that they use to share Christ with people who come to the websites. I always find it encouraging when I hear of how tools I build or maintain are being used to lead people to salvation. Stories like this email that we received recently from a person who was led to the Lord in our chat room...

“i prayed with someone named (chat mentor) tonight and peace came over my whole heart and body and my heart is calm and she talked with me that God doesn't give up on you like my mom told me, he doesn't and she just made me feel so much better and encouraged me so much tonight.”

Thank you for your prayer for me and my family as I serve in this way with Power to Change. Thank you for praying, and thank you for giving. We have been so blessed to have you and the church standing behind us in this work. Please continue to pray for our complete financial support, as well as for God's ongoing guidance for our team.

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