James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Salvation :: Archive

A Cool Story

This Tuesday morning I heard a great story from one of our staff mentors who discovered a Facebook message that had come in a month ago asking for prayer and was unanswered. She responded, apologized to the visitor for the delay and also shared the gospel with them using one of the pre-written templates that we provide to our mentors. The template suggests the following prayer that the visitor is invited to pray in order...
Published 2016-07-12

Gone Fishing

This story was sent in by one of our chat mentors just a couple days ago. Last Friday as I sat down at my desk, I thought about hanging a figurative sign "Gone fishing." The to-do's could wait for a while. Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men," so I prayed that He would guide me, to instruct me in the way that I should go. I asked Him to...
Published 2014-10-24

Some Statistics

Normally, raw statistics are not all that inspiring. I thought these were worth sharing though. This is a glimpse into why I do what I do. So far today, there are 24 people who have indicated that they've decided to accept Jesus as their forever-friend. And the day isn't over yet.
Published 2014-10-10

A Mentor Shares The Gospel

I love hearing about how God is using our online mentors to share Christ.  We received this message from a person on facebook recently: "i need the blessing from you.! can u lead me a proper way please" The mentor shared his response and the results with us as follows: I told him that I would certainly pray for him and then I explained how sin builds a barrier between us and God and that...
Published 2013-12-23

Saved from Suicide

Yesterday, a teenage boy wrote on a blog and said he had tried to commit suicide and didn't know what to do about his problems. After reading our mentor's response to him, he wrote back this morning: "Thanks, sir. After your response, i feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my head. I’ll try to live on, as death will only make me feel guilty afterlife. For being selfish to end my troubles...
Published 2013-09-06

A Few Encouraging Stories [and a newsletter change]

Today, I received an update from our director, Karen, with some more encouraging stories and thoughts from around the ministry.  I thought you might also like to hear them.  I have included much of her email verbatim with a few minor formatting changes. Also, you may notice that this email newsletter looks a little different from past ones I have sent.  I'm switching to a slightly different way of sending these, but you should still...
Published 2013-08-30

Global Daily - June 2013

Every month I am asked to write a short update on a given topic for one of our supporting churches.  I often share these entries here as well for your encouragement and to inform you of what we are doing these days. Topic: What inspires you to keep doing the work you are doing? I am always inspired when I hear the stories of how my work is helping others lead people to Christ. One...
Published 2013-06-24

Easter... What's the big deal?

You may be asking yourself... "What's the big deal about Easter?"  I'd like to tell you what it means to me. Easter is the time when I remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Jesus was born in Israel 2000(ish) years ago and claimed to be the son of God, come to save us from destruction.  He backed that claim up by performing many documented signs and miracles in the presence of many witnesses.  ...
Published 2013-03-30
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