James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Latest Updates and a Free App

With the start of the new school year and the end of summer things have begun to pick up around here again.  Though it never really gets "slow", things definitely do ramp up in the fall.

A New Devotional Series:


Our film team has been spending a lot of time this spring and summer working on a story-based discovery series called Treasure: Jesus is Worth Everything. They have been incredibly busy working on this project and are getting closer and closer to the November launch!  You can watch the first episode here:


Some Great Email Responses:

We have gotten a number of really encouraging email responses in the mentoring program recently.  I have shared a few of them here on our site in past posts.  You can read the full emails here:

  • Suicide Thanks

    A mom's response to our mentor/team after we helped her suicidal child.

  • Saved from Suicide

    A response from another suicidal person who found encouragement in the response of their mentor on our site.

  • Thanks for Tech Help

    A person recently wrote back to us specifically thanking our tech team for the help we provided:

Lord Jesus, these people who handle the tech stuff for TruthMedia are so different than so many others I deal with. ... Techs with hearts ! ... a novel idea!

Thank you for them Lord and today, would you bless their socks off.please.?


It's always super encouraging to receive praise like that.  I feel so blessed to be part of this talented team of friends serving God in this way.

A Free App:

j&c-icon-green-150I did promise a free smartphone app in the title of this article, and here it is.  I have created a new app for Android phones which has a simple purpose: to help keep you up-to-date with our ministry updates.  The app is super easy to use, and will let you know any time we publish something new here on our blog.  If you have an Android smartphone, this is a great alternative/compliment to email updates or to following us on facebook.

On Our Blog: /android-app/

Direct Link: On the Google Play store

Special Thanks:

We want to again thank all of you who so faithfully support us financially and in prayer.  We really appreciate you and could not continue in this ministry without your support.  You are a great encouragement to us.  God is continuing to use us in amazing ways.  Thank you for being part of His plan for us.

Wishing you all the best,

James, Carolanne, Benjamin and Julia.

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