James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Post-Indonesia Update

Thank you very much to all who prayed for and supported us on our recent trip to Indonesia. I feel that over-all the trip went really well.

Indonesia Team

For those who didn't know, Sheldon (my supervisor) and I (James) went to Indonesia for a week in January in order to meet and coordinate with two programmers who have joined our team. Marcel and Shierly will be working with us for at least six months in order to help with some of the technical work needed for our upcoming projects. It was really helpful to be able to get to know them face-to-face and to help them start getting up to speed with the software and technology we use for day-to-day work in the ministry.

Since being back in Canada I have been working fairly closely with the Indonesian team to help get them going as efficiently as possible. For me, this means working a split-shift so as to partially overlap our timezones. (they start work at 8 am their time, which is 5 pm in BC)

Thank you for your prayer for us during the trip. I think we all felt that it went really well and was a great opportunity to build some rapport with this Indonesian team. We even got a bit of R&R while we were there, courtesy of our generous host. (thanks Dusty!)

Other Ministry News:

In addition to our trip, these past few months have been packed with activity for everyone on our TruthMedia team. The film team has been busy with the Treasure series.  The chat team has been very active in leading discussions and devotionals.  The writers have been working on a new devotional series.  And the programming team has been building a new and easier mentoring system.  This report was sent in recently from Winsome, one of our primary chat moderators:

A major focus in 2013 had been the development and release of ”Treasure: Jesus Is Worth Everything.” This material has been introduced into our coed chat room this month, and God is using it to stir some exciting conversations with eternal impact!

During the first two weeks one of our moderators was able to talk with two ladies who had not yet given their lives to Christ, and both have now been adopted into the family of God! Four other individuals have prayed TheLife commitment prayer. Thanks to those who worked so hard to produce a quality tool. God is at work and we rejoice!

Praise the Lord for such dedicated staff and volunteers who are constantly at work helping people take the next steps in their journey of faith. One funny story came up recently in our weekly staff meeting.  A staff member mentioned he received a message from someone off facebook who said he wanted to know Jesus.  His response: "Well, isn't it great he came to the right place!  We do that here." I love being part of a team that "does that".  It's the core of why we exist!  To show people the way to Jesus.

Thank you for helping me to be a part of this team. Your prayer and support has been critical in helping me to continue in this ministry.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray as we continue to raise our support.  Last year was really great. We passed the 50% mark in spite of a few setbacks. Our biggest support raising hurdle right now is knowing who else to ask.  We have already talked to many of the people we know and so finding new people who might be interested is a challenge.
  • Please pray for TruthMedia funding. Though we have lots of great opportunities and results, funding for the ministry over-all is VERY low. There are a number of staff (like me) who are not fully supported, and this puts an extra drain on ministry funds as the ministry covers a portion of the remainder so that we can afford to stay.

Thank you so much,

James Warkentin

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