James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Missions :: Archive

2018 Impact Report

Our ministry recently put together a report describing what we have been working on this past year and the impact we have had by God’s grace in the lives of people around the world. We wanted to share this report with you so that you might know how God has been using your gifts and prayer through us.
Published 2019-05-10

Some Statistics

Normally, raw statistics are not all that inspiring. I thought these were worth sharing though. This is a glimpse into why I do what I do. So far today, there are 24 people who have indicated that they've decided to accept Jesus as their forever-friend. And the day isn't over yet.
Published 2014-10-10

Post-Indonesia Update

Thank you very much to all who prayed for and supported us on our recent trip to Indonesia. I feel that over-all the trip went really well. For those who didn't know, Sheldon (my supervisor) and I (James) went to Indonesia for a week in January in order to meet and coordinate with two programmers who have joined our team. Marcel and Shierly will be working with us for at least six months in order...
Published 2014-02-06

Global Daily - Nov. 2013

Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your prayer and concern for us.  The Christmas season is always an interesting time for the internet ministry.  There are many people who struggle with the loneliness of loss during this time and often they come to our websites for help or advice.  Please pray that our ministry team and mentors will be wise and respond with a special measure of God's grace to these hurting people. Please...
Published 2013-11-26

Global Daily - Jan. 2012

Every month, one of our supporting churches asks us to write in response to a question so that the congregation can get to know us better and pray for us more specifically.  This is our entry for January, 2012. Question: Tell us something from your childhood or early adult years which God has used to specially prepare you for who you are and what you're doing now. I (James) have often wondered at how God...
Published 2011-12-22
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