James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

December 2014 Update

I wanted to write a quick update to let you know how things have been going in the ministry with Power to Change these past few months. There has been a lot of change around the ministry this year and I do not want you to be taken by surprise by news you might hear through "the grape vine".

Major Change Highlights:

  • Our ministry name has been changed from TruthMedia to The Life Project. The essence of what we do remains the same, but we have become more focused in our direction and purpose.
  • Karen Schenk has stepped down as director of our ministry and is pursuing some additional personal leadership development.
  • More than 15 other staff have either left or been let go due to refocusing of the ministry and budget constraints.
  • Leonard Buhler (the President of Power to Change) will be stepping down soon and a leadership search in under way.
  • The film team has been split off into it's own ministry. Previously it was a part of TruthMedia. Now it will be called Power to Change Films.
  • My personal status on staff has been changed slightly to allow me to take on some outside work in addition to my regular work with The Life Project.

As you can see, there has been a LOT of change. The work we do remains the same though and has become even more focused on our purpose which is to lead people on a spiritual journey in the digital space. For this point in time, it means we have become more focused on the mentoring side of the ministry, as well as on connecting seekers even more effectively with mentors who can help them one-on-one.

Karen's departure has left a bitter-sweet feeling. We miss her leadership on the team but also understand that this is a very positive move forward for her personal development as a leader. Rod Bergen has taken her place as interim leader of the ministry and (I believe) there is a leadership search under way for her replacement. Rod has brought some great experience and focus to our team and we are looking forward to what the future will hold.

My personal change in status is really only a paperwork change. My job and day-to-day activities remain the same. The difference is that I am now permitted to earn additional active income outside of Power to Change, something I was previously not permitted to do.

If you have any further questions about these things, or would like to talk to me more, I'd be happy to connect with you. Please feel free to email, call, or grab me at church. :)

Recent Stories and Articles:

I have posted a few other articles recently that you may find encouraging. We have been continuing to see amazing results in the ministry and have recently heard some great stories.

Thank you for listening and for caring, praying and supporting us in this ministry. We really appreciate everyone who so faithfully stands with us.

We wish you all the best in this Christmas season,

James, Carolanne, Benjamin and Julia Warkentin

Published Wed, Dec 10, 2014 in: current projects newsletters
Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin