James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Merry Christmas 2016

2016 christmas card

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! We trust you will have a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration. We also want to say thank you VERY much for your prayer and support of us this past year. We are so blessed to have such a great team of people surrounding us in this ministry.

IMAG1555-sharableOur family has been doing well. Ben is in grade four now and Julia grade two. They are both continuing to enjoy being homeschooled and regularly attend field trips and excursions together with Carolanne and other Chilliwack and Abbotsford homeschooling families. We told them both they had to pick a "public" class to attend as well this school year, so Ben picked parkour and Julia has chosen to learn piano. (her classes haven't started yet)

The Life Project has really made some great advances in ministry this year. I am not exaggerating when I say that thousands of people have been led to know Jesus, tens of thousands have been encouraged in their faith and hundreds of thousands have had the gospel shared with them in some form or another through our websites and online churches. Thank you for your part in allowing that ministry to happen!

The Life Project has also been through a time of refocusing our vision and mission. Our mission has been clarified and simplified so that team members, mentors and donors can easily know exactly what it is that we do.

The world is online, we help them know Jesus.

It really is THAT simple. Large segments of the world population now have very easy access to the Internet through cafe's, mobile phones, personal computers and many other devices. Our mission is to help them know Jesus.

We accomplish that mission right now in a variety of ways including websites, chat rooms, forum discussions, email mentoring and online churches. Online mentoring especially is one of our key resources for reaching people. It allows for a very personal one-to-one relationship where both mentor and mentee can grown in their faith, taking the next steps of their spiritual journey.

Our vision is to see 5000 mentors leading one million people closer to Jesus by the end of 2020.

Again, Thank You for your part in allowing this to take place. There are very few ministries or churches in the world that can legitimately say they are making such an impact in the world of evangelism and outreach. To read more about our ministry visit The Life Project (https://thelifeproject.com/)

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas,

James & Carolanne,

Ben & Julia

Published Fri, Dec 23, 2016 in: current projects newsletters pictures christmas
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