James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Muslim man is offended, but later comes to Christ

I am often amazed at the impact that this ministry has in some of the most closed and difficult to reach countries of the world. I have been given permission to share this story with you, though names and key details have been changed for the safety of those involved.

Mohamed,* a 30-year old man, was born and raised in a Muslim family in Morocco. Mohamed found himself late one night surfing on the internet. Something odd caught his eye and so he Googled a search and found himself on one of our website pages that had a message that provoked him: “How can a Muslim become a Christian?” (The four Spiritual Laws)

“The Bible is full of errors and is corrupted! It is not scientifically sound."

He contacted us through WhatsApp (instant messaging text and audio service for smartphones). Mohamed fiercely challenged Paul, the director of our Arabic ministry: “The Bible is full of errors and is corrupted! It is not scientifically sound." He was ready for a fight but Paul responded calmly and shared with him his testimony — about why 14 years ago, he left Islam to follow Christ.

By the next day Mohamed's irritation had grown. Ready for an argument he called Paul again and was even more aggressive.

Yet Paul felt compassion for him and responded to his anger with empathy: "I was once like you too. I understand your anger. But let us continue to discuss these things together." And so they continued to talk together — it was an intense and seriously academic dialogue that continued for days and days. But after a time, Paul noticed that Mohamed was no longer argumentative and had entered into a genuine search for truth.

"I have found the truth."

Paul gave Mohamed many videos and links to go deeply in his search for the truth. And then one day, he told Paul: "I have found the truth." Mohamed had given his life to Christ!

Paul connected him with other former-Muslim believers online. In this online group there is ongoing Bible Study, friendship, prayer, discipleship, mutual fellowship and encouragement. This online group will equip Mohamed as a Muslim Background Believer (MBB) to continue in Christ, rooted and built-up in Him, established in the faith and overflowing with thankfulness (Colossians 2:6,7).

It takes time, knowledge, and patient endurance to bring Muslims to Christ. It usually takes a process which involves weeks, months, and sometimes years and yet it all starts with a gesture of friendliness and a genuine desire for relationship.

These are the stories that encourage me in this ministry. Thank you for your part in helping us to continue here at The Life Project. Your financial gifts and prayers are so very much appreciated!

A Very Special Opportunity:

Today, I'm excited to tell you about an amazing opportunity that has been made available to us.There is a financial donor who has pledged to match any extra donations that we receive over the next little while!

This person will match up to $100,000 to The Life Project for any donations given towards our personal ministry. So if you give $500 to help support our ministry, this donor will give $500 to The Life Project general fund to support some of the other ministry expenses.

I'd like to invite you to partner with us in this ministry and allow your gift to be matched to The Life Project. You can sign up to give on a monthly basis or a one-time offering.

If you are already a regular donor, would you consider increasing your support or giving a special one-time gift to help both us personally and this ministry?

Give to our personal ministry.

Give specifically to the Arabic outreach.

I would like to help in some other way.

* Names changed for safety.

Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin