James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

It's Good To Be Appreciated

It's very encouraging to us as a staff team when people tell us how much we've blessed them and helped them find hope in their dark season of life. We hear this sentiment a lot!

Here are just a few of the many thanks we've received from our readers and mentees:

"I used the mentor program at a very dark time in my life and it really helped to see my way back to Christ. Thank you, I had you when I had nothing else."

“Both times that you have prayed for me, I’ve literally read it with tears rolling down my face. Nobody has ever been this nice to me. I’ve been pretty much abandoned by everyone in my family, both my husband’s side & mine, so for you to pray for me means the absolute world to me. I thank God for having me find this website!”

"Thank you. Honestly I didn't think I would get a reply from the study. It honestly made my day. God knows exactly what we need. I want a relationship WITH him, not religion. ... Thank you so much for the articles and encouragement. God bless you!"

"Your posts are a treasure and I am reading them all and taking notes! ... I'm so glad I found this site! A true encouragement for me! Thank you SO much!"

Your Gift Will Be Doubled!

Right now there is a financial donor who has pledged to match any extra donations that we receive over the next little while!

This person will match up to $100,000 to The Life Project for any donations given towards our personal ministry. So if you give $500 to help support our ministry, this donor will give $500 to The Life Project general fund to support some of the other ministry expenses.

Would you consider increasing your support or giving a special one-time gift to help both us personally and this ministry?

Give to our ministry

I want to help in some other way

Copyright © 2025 - James Warkentin