James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Answered Prayer

You may have read our previous post asking for prayer to remove a block placed on our advertising account by Facebook. I am very happy to report that God has answered our prayers and we have had our account reinstated. Praise the Lord for His mercy and for working on our behalf in the hearts of those at Facebook making these decisions.

We have been depending on Facebook advertising to bring people to our sites and get engaged in dialog with mentors. This experience has highlighted for us the fact that we need to re-evaluate our marketing strategy and aim for a wider audience than just what we can find via Facebook advertising. Though we were doing some, it quickly became clear that we need expand our focus to a greater degree so that having one system drop out will not completely cripple our ability to continue ministry.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support for us. God is continuing to use your prayers through us to reach people around the world.

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