James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Purpose :: Archive

2018 Impact Report

Our ministry recently put together a report describing what we have been working on this past year and the impact we have had by God’s grace in the lives of people around the world. We wanted to share this report with you so that you might know how God has been using your gifts and prayer through us.
Published 2019-05-10

Global Daily - March 2012

We have just come through a major project with Power to Change called TheLife.  TheLife is a challenge: to make the commitment to grab hold of God’s vision for your life.  To make your life count and do something that makes a difference for eternity, any time, any where, at any cost, to do any thing. As a symbol of their commitment we challenge followers of Christ to sign TheLife card as a physical reminder...
Published 2012-02-22

The Rapture is Coming!

The rapture is coming tomorrow.  At least, that's what some Christians believe and have been preaching. Officially, the Bible teaches that we don't know the day or the hour when Christ will return.  It *could* be on May 21'st at 6:00 pm GMT, or it could be the day after, or next week, or in 2000 more years.  What we DO know for sure is that Christ WILL return someday, those who believe in Him...
Published 2011-05-20

Ephesians 1:3

I, James, have been reading through the book of Ephesians lately in my devotions and can't help but be amazed at the words that Paul uses to describe how God values us and our relationship with Him. I'm also trying to teach myself to do a little journaling while I read, and I thought I would share some of my insights here. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has...
Published 2010-12-17

The Five Pillars of Manhood

If you've ever watched the movie Second Hand Lions, there is a part where one of the main characters gives his "What it means to be a real man" speech to a few young punks.  I always wondered what the content of that speech might have been.  Perhaps it was something like this.  (see bottom for original source) WE NEED MEN OF GOD WHO WILL LOVE & RESPECT WOMEN OF FAITH...NEXT STOP "MANHOOD". I spent...
Published 2010-11-30
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