James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Global Daily - March 2012

We have just come through a major project with Power to Change called TheLife.  TheLife is a challenge: to make the commitment to grab hold of God’s vision for your life.  To make your life count and do something that makes a difference for eternity, any time, any where, at any cost, to do any thing.

TheLife Card

As a symbol of their commitment we challenge followers of Christ to sign TheLife card as a physical reminder of that commitment.  We also encourage them to be held accountable to their decision by signing up on thelife.com and having one or more of their friends hold them accountable to the steps they are taking.

Many years ago in high-school I wrote a mission statement for my life and it read something like this:

I intend to do God’s will for my life when ever, where ever, and what ever, for His glory, in regards to my calling, those I date, my future wife, my future family, and my job. I intend to put His will first in every aspect of my existence and want to honour Him with all my life.
In helping to develop thelife.com I have felt honoured and blessed to have been given the opportunity to do exactly that, and to help design something which would allow others to make similar commitments.

Developing the website for this challenge has taken the vast majority of my time for the past few months meaning I've had little time to focus on much of anything else.  It has been a difficult project, but very rewarding as now there are already over 500 people who have joined.

My prayer requests for this site would be for God to use it powerfully in the lives of believers around the world and that it would not only result in Christians getting serious about their faith,  but also in many others being told about God's good news of great joy that is for all people.

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