James & Carolanne

Serving God with Power to Change - Digital Strategies.

Global Daily - July 2024

Mary*, a young adult student in Georgia, US has been struggling with self-ham since February.

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From Darkness to Light: Ghazal's Testimony of Faith in Christ

For years, I wandered in darkness, burdened by the weight of past hurts and broken dreams. Anger and bitterness consumed me, and I felt trapped in a cycle of hopelessness. But then, in the midst of my darkest moments, a ray of light broke through the clouds.

May Update 2024

Happy Spring! Carolanne and I are glad to see the weather getting warmer and the garden starting to grow. I love seeing and hearing the birds back again after their winter travels.

March Update, 2024

This past January we were excited to see 152 people decide to follow Jesus through one-on-one conversations with mentors and on our evangelistic websites. Furthermore, 4008 people were connected with a mentor through [tmm.io](https://tmm.io/) and 9 new mentors were trained to begin responding to these people with love, seeking to lead them closer to Jesus.

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